Thursday 7 August 2014

August Long Weekend

 I'm back! I'm back!! After about a month of no internet, it's finally fixed. I tried to do a couple phone posts in that time but our service just sucks big time. This past weekend we went to Treherne campground with friends. It was a great weekend filled lots of food, laughs, bonfires, swimming and much more. We were home by about lunch time on Monday and the work was sitting here waiting for us! We went right to raking and baling hay. Finishing the day with some crop scouting.
 Ali was terrified of the water to start with and by the time it was time to go she was mad she had to get out.

 They have a beautiful playground.

 Margarita-ville time! And seeing as the majority of us were either pregnant or small children, the were alcohol free.

 Our campsite.
 Our winter wheat. It will be swathed in a couple days time, it's not far from combining!! I'm so excited! I love love love harvest time.
And checking out the canola............happy to see the flowers still hanging on., the longer the better!!

Glad to be back!

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